Welcome to the Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Greens website.
Our Commitment to our Ridings, Our Party, Canadians and the Global Community:
- The Green Party of Canada is a values-based party. We are committed to a new era of true values-based politics. Strong ethical values and our green values of Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice Participatory Democracy, Non-Violence, Sustainability and Respect for Diversity guide our behavior and our place in public debate, and we take them very seriously. We do not condone or tolerate discourse of even a potentially hateful, violent or disrespectful nature.
- We are a full spectrum party with a particular strength in environmental issues. We have a diverse, rich, respected and strong professional depth in our Green Party membership in all facets of government and international issues will take full advantage of their counsel, their voice and expertise.
- We believe in parliamentary evolution and reform. Canadians expect parliamentarians to govern for all Canadians. A new era of cooperative government and alliances that better reflects and represents the political, ethnic, language and gender diversity of Canada is our future. We will seek to set this example in our party governance and operating structure, that it reflects the diversity of Canadians and the full spectrum of government and Canadian interests from international affairs to health care.
- We will maintain a healthy balance between being in continuous election politics and being an effective, contributing and active force in the political issues of the day. We will engage issues of importance and make a difference now.
- We will be a strong and engaged part of the Canadian polity. In the last federal election we received the votes of hundreds of thousands of Canadians and in every way that we can we will strongly represent these voters, their values and issues.
"Visit www.greenparty.ca/ or www.gpo.ca for more details.